Kia ora TTM community!
The Pacific Data Sovereignty Network is holding their conference on ‘Reclaiming Pacific Data’ 10-11 Nov 2022 in Māngere, Auckland. More details here https://pacificdatasovereignty.com/pds-conference-2022/
The TTM Pacific Engagement Module Team is now pleased to offer 6 x sponsored registrations to attend the Pacific Data Sovereignty Conference. If you would like one of these spots, please email TTM Ops Manager Natalie Solomona on n.solomona@auckland.ac.nz ASAP and by 31 October at the latest. Sponsored registrations will be allocated on a first in first served basis, so don’t miss out!
Other Upcoming events
Te Papa Hauora: We’re talking health Wednesday 26th October 5:30pm-7:30pm, in-person or online Join us for an evening of talks from leading researchers in Canterbury who are improving healthcare for us all. This free public event will be held at Te Papa Hauora’s Manawa, 276 Antigua Street, Christchurch. Refreshments from 5pm, talks begin at 5.30pm. The event will also be streamed online. Register here.
TTM Mātauranga Māori: Manaaki Sessions Thursday 27th October 7pm, online The manaaki sessions are a safe online space for both Māori and non-Māori alike to participate in open discussions around our understandings and experiences of Te Tiriti. Find further info including how to join here.
Creative HQ: Startup Sessions From1st November – filling up fast! Build your entrepreneurial skills and get the guidance you need to launch or grow your startup. This offering has been created specifically for new founders and small business owners. Dive deep into specific topics with free startup sessions, run by experts in their sector. Each session runs in-person from the Wellington office, and online. Find out more and register here.
TTM: Media Workshops Wednesday 23rd November 9am-1pm; Wednesday 7th December 1pm-5pm Learn the skills to deal with the realities of media communications and ensure a positive outcome from any media contact - friendly or hostile. Find further information and register at the following links – spaces are limited! November workshop – register by Tuesday 15th November December workshop – register by Tuesday 29th November
Highlight of interest
Equity vs Equality: What’s the difference? An article from the Milken Institute School of Public Health https://onlinepublichealth.gwu.edu/resources/equity-vs-equality/
If you have queries or feedback to share, please contact the Te Tītoki Mataora (TTM) team medtechresearchnetwork@auckland.ac.nz