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Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Research Acceleration Project (RAP)

Update on RAP submissions

  • Stage I – Round 2 of proposals have been received and will be assessed this week and communicated to the teams. There were 5 submissions.

  • Stage II – There were 14 proposals received and these are now making their way through the system. Results will be out around beginning of May.

  • Stage III – 4 teams were invited to submit their projects for funding. These are now making their way through the assessment process.

Funding opportunities

  • Stage I – The submission cut-off for the next round is 30th May at 12pm. You can send in your proposal for this fund any time.

  • The funding guideline documents are on our website – please reach out if you have any questions.

Upcoming Event

  • Biobridge: Covid Accelerating Technology Covid-19 has been the topic of focus worldwide for the past 2 years, with the pandemic having an effect on almost every aspect of life. As no surprise, the delivery and organisation of healthcare services has had to respond and adapt with this ever developing situation to ensure patients are still receiving the care they require; and technology has been a key player. This workshop brings together a panel of experts exploring Covid-19, the potential long term effects and the technologies assisting healthcare during this pandemic and for the future. Read more and register here.

Opportunity for students and ECRs

  • Falling Walls Lab: Call for applications Falling Walls Lab New Zealand is a challenging, inspiring and interdisciplinary format to showcase the next generation of students and early-career professionals. This is an opportunity for students and early-career professionals to share, in 3 minutes, their research, business model or initiative, showcasing a breakthrough that creates a positive impact on science and society and compete to win a trip to the Falling Walls Lab Berlin. All disciplines are welcome: from agriculture, medicine, economics, engineering to social science and the humanities. Read more here.

Last week

  • Future Leaders Speaker Series The story of Matai: Bringing science to the community Associate Professor Samantha Holdsworth and Dr Josh McGeown discussed their experiences of building and working with transdisciplinary teams within Mātai, a medical imaging research and education centre based in Tairāwhiti-Gisborne. If you missed this fantastic discussion, you can watch the recording here!

As always, the Te Tītoki Mataora (TTM) team is here if you have any questions or comments you would like to share.

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