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Research Acceleration Project (RAP)

The submission cut-off for the next round of Stage I proposals is Monday 28th November at 12pm. Please follow submission procedure as outlined by your institution. The funding guideline documents and timeline are on our website.

Upcoming Events

  • TTM Media Workshops Wednesday 23rd November 9am-1pm, online Wednesday 7th December 1pm-5pm, Auckland Bioengineering Institute Learn the skills to deal with the realities of media communications and ensure a positive outcome from any media contact - friendly or hostile. Find further information and register at the following links! November workshopregister by TOMORROW Tuesday 15th November – 3 spots left! December workshop – register by Tuesday 29th November

  • TTM Mātauranga Māori: Manaaki Sessions Thursday 17th November 7pm, online The manaaki sessions are a safe online space for both Māori and non-Māori alike to participate in open discussions around our understandings and experiences of Te Tiriti. Find further info including how to join here.

  • TTM Future Leaders & Clinical Translation Modules: Speaker Series Wednesday 23rd November 12:30pm-1:30pm, online Collaborating with Clinicians: A panel discussion with researchers and clinicians to explore how to build great collaborations with translational impact. Hear about some existing collaborations, get a clinicians' perspective and some tips to set you up for success. Register here:

  • BioBridge workshop: FemTech - How Technology is Revolutionising Women's Health Friday 9th December 1pm-3pm, online Femtech describes the diagnostics, software or services that use technology specifically to improve the health and wellbeing of women. Whilst relatively new in Australia and New Zealand, the area continues to grow with an increase in the number of companies created, the investment obtained, and the media attention these technologies are gaining. From reproductive health, pregnancy and the general health and well-being of women, these technologies offer solutions that can transform a women's life. Find out more and register here:

  • HealthTech Activator: Global Trends in Health Technology Assessment webinar Friday 9th December 9am-10:30am, online This webinar will provide participants with an overview of some of the approaches used by decision makers in key markets when deciding on the value of a novel health technology, and some of the key trends that healthtech companies should be aware of. Find out more and register here:

  • TTM Commercial Translation Module: 'Demystifying Quality and Regulatory' Workshop Wednesday 14th December 9am-3pm, online Follow this link for details: Note the two ticket options and select the appropriate one for your research group/start-up. If sold out, contact Ella Dixon on to be placed on the waitlist.

If you have queries or feedback to share, please contact the Te Tītoki Mataora (TTM) team


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