Healthtech Week 2023
26th – 29th June 2023, Cordis Hotel in Auckland
Registration for Healthtech Week is now open! Find out more here https://healthtechweek.nz/Te-Ttoki-Mataora-Forum/19555/
Call for abstracts – DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 4PM MONDAY 8TH MAY – updated PDF attached: Calling all postgraduate students and early- to mid- career researchers (ECRs) in the medtech and brain health research spaces – we want you!
The CMDT Early-Career Researcher Awards are open to postgraduate students and ECRs (<10 years post-PhD excluding career breaks) engaged in research and development of medical related technologies and/or brain health research. Please feel free to pass this call on to those who may be eligible! Please see the PDF attached for more info and submission form. Please let me know if the extended deadline will cause any issues with funding.
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