Upcoming events
TTM Mātauranga Māori: Whaia te Tika Series starts 23rd March, online and in Auckland – registration closes tomorrow! This series on Māori cultural competency is designed for researchers and clinicians in the health, brain, and bioengineering areas. You must attend every workshop, including those onsite in Auckland. Unfortunately we are unable to cover travel costs. Find out more and register here: https://www.cmdt.org.nz/event-details/ttm-matauranga-maori-whaia-te-tika
Aotearoa Brain Project Launch and Symposium 17th March 9:00am-12:30pm, In-person in Auckland and Otago, and online The morning will open with a mihi whakatau and our launch, followed by a symposium of fantastic speakers, closing at 12:30 pm with lunch served at the in-person venues. Speakers include Prof. Jim Metson, Dist. Prof. Sir Richard Faull, Assoc. Prof. Samantha Holdsworth, and more! Click here to register and for more information: https://events.humanitix.com/tours/abp-launch
Hack Aotearoa: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare conference & Datathon 17th-19th March, Auckland Digital health and data science is a key enabler for transformations within health systems, organisations, and models of care – we aim to come together to develop a greater understanding of the respective fields, the opportunities to improve health outcomes and equity, and learn collaboratively through a datathon event. Click here to register and for more information: https://www.hackaotearoa.nz/
TTM Speaker Series: Clinical Engagement in MedTech Development 30th March 11:30am-12:30pm, online The first of 2023’s monthly speaker series! This year we will be navigating through the medtech clinical and commercial translation journey, starting with the clinical input process. Find out more and register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/clinical-engagement-in-medtech-development-tickets-573220617297
3rd Advanced Materials and 3D Printing in Regenerative Medicine Workshop 15-16th April, University of Otago Christchurch An immersive workshop for those wanting to learn about the latest advances in advanced biomaterials, 3D printing technologies, and their use in medicine and cell therapies. The workshop website can be found here www.otago.ac.nz/3dprintmedicine
TTM Demystifying Quality and Regulatory workshop 3rd May 9am-3:30pm, Auckland Bioengineering Institute This workshop is ideal for start-ups and research groups considering the commercialisation of a medical device and will help you:
Understand the concepts involved in regulatory requirements and quality management
Explore the key parts that regulatory and quality play in the commercialisation journey for a medical device
Understand key considerations for the implementation of a regulatory strategy and quality management system.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/demystifying-quality-and-regulatory-tickets-557278363587
Healthtech Week 2023 – Save the date! 26th – 29th June 2023, Cordis Hotel in Auckland
Highlights of interest
Medtech-iQ launch signals perfect conditions to translate research and scale sector: Auckland Bioengineering Institute and the Faculty of Engineering start-ups spun out from the University of Auckland gathered last month to demonstrate a coming of age for New Zealand’s growing medtech industry. Read the article.