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Talofa TTM community,

The RAP Stage I June round closed at 12pm today. Results will be available to applicants next week. To be considered for the next round, submit your proposal by 12pm 31st July 2023.

Travel funding for HealthTech Week now available

We now have access to some travel funding and have extended the early bird date to 12th June to accommodate those who need travel confirmed before they register. Note:

  • We are unable to cover accommodation

  • We are unable to cover conference registration costs

  • You should attend at least two days of the conference

To apply, send an email to with:

  • Your name and organisation

  • The days of HealthTech Week you would like to attend

  • Explanation of your access to travel funds

You must apply by Tuesday 6th June.

Happy Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa | Samoa Language week 2023!

  • This year’s theme is ‘Mitamitai lau gagana, maua’a lou fa’asinomaga’ which means ‘Be proud of your language and grounded in your identity’.

  • Our Samoan population in New Zealand is one of the fastest-growing populations and it is the largest Pacific group, representing 47.9% of all Pacific people in the country.

  • Gagana Samoa is New Zealand’s third most spoken language – following English and Te Reo Māori – and the second most spoken language in Auckland.

For everyone interested working with Pacific peoples, remember to sign up for our Moana Connect Fofoga Workshop below! This workshop provides key insights you’ll need to collaborate with communities, develop RAP proposals, and win big at HealthTech Week. Sign up now:

Upcoming Events

OARNet short courses for clinicians & clinical researchers

These courses are available to OARNet members, or prospective members. We recommend you register well in advance, using the following link to access the form: Link to Registration + Application Form These courses are free to qualifying OARnet members within 6 years of completing your PhD or if enrolled in a graduate research degree (honours, masters, PhD). You can become an OARnet member by filling out the application using the same link above.

  • An introduction to qualitative research 9:30am-3pm Wed 19th July & 8:30am-12:30pm Thurs 20th July | University of Otago Auckland Centre, 385 Queen Street, Auckland For further details, see: $600 for OARNet members

  • Musculoskeletal pain communication workshop 9:30am - 3pm Fri 21st July | University of Otago Auckland Centre, 385 Queen Street, Auckland Designed for clinicians who work with musculoskeletal pain patients. This workshop will present a model of communication to support evidence-based musculoskeletal care, how to discuss behavioural changes with patients, and how clinicians should address unhelpful beliefs about pain. $250 for OARNet members

Research Acceleration Programme (RAP)

Stage I Next deadline 12pm Monday 31st July

Stage 1 RAP funding supports the formation of new collaborative relationships between researchers, clinicians, companies and/or partnerships with Māori and Pacific communities. This is an open call for proposals and submissions can be made at any time. Proposals are reviewed every two months and awarded within 2 weeks.

Stage II Next deadline 12pm Monday 3rd July

Stage II RAP funding identifies concepts with the potential to be viable for clinical application and commercialisation. Applications are now invited for the next RAP Stage II RfP Round (July 2023).


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