This week:
Our monthly TTM Speaker Series is this Friday on navigating market research and validation for medical technologies.
RAP Stage I proposals are due 12pm next Monday to be considered for funding this round.
The deadline for submissions to present posters at HealthTech Week have been extended to 4pm this Thursday. Some travel funding is available for those outside of Auckland.
Upcoming Events
Submission deadline for EMCR poster presentations extended
Deadline extended to 4pm Thursday 25th May
Calling all postgraduate students and early- to mid-career researchers (EMCRs) in the medtech and brain health research spaces – we want you! The CMDT Early-Career Researcher Awards are open to postgraduate students and EMCRs (<10 years post-PhD excluding career breaks) engaged in research and development of medical related technologies and/or brain health research. Funding for flights is available, and students / EMCRs get 50% off registrations until 31st May!
Research Acceleration Programme (RAP)
Stage I Next deadline 12pm Monday 29th May
Stage 1 RAP funding supports the formation of new collaborative relationships between researchers, clinicians, companies and/or partnerships with Māori and Pacific communities. This is an open call for proposals and submissions can be made at any time. Proposals are reviewed every two months and awarded within 2 weeks.
Stage II Next deadline 12pm Monday 3rd July
Stage II RAP funding identifies concepts with the potential to be viable for clinical application and commercialisation. Applications are now invited for the next RAP Stage II RfP Round (July 2023).