Kia ora TTM community!
Research Acceleration Project (RAP)
The funding calendar for 2023 has now been released. Please find it on our website: https://www.cmdt.org.nz/research-acceleration-programme
Request for Stage I proposals is open all year, and the RfP for Stage II will be released before the end of this year.
Please note:
Your institution may require your application in advance of the calendar deadlines.
Proposals and budgets should be reviewed by your finance team / Research Office / Technology Transfer Office to ensure compliance with your institution’s policies.
Upcoming Events
BioBridge workshop: FemTech - How Technology is Revolutionising Women's Health Friday 9th December 1pm-3pm, online Femtech describes the diagnostics, software or services that use technology specifically to improve the health and wellbeing of women. Whilst relatively new in Australia and New Zealand, the area continues to grow with an increase in the number of companies created, the investment obtained, and the media attention these technologies are gaining. From reproductive health, pregnancy and the general health and well-being of women, these technologies offer solutions that can transform a women's life. Find out more and register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/femtech-how-technology-is-revolutionising-womens-health-tickets-465900369547
TTM Commercial Translation Module: 'Demystifying Quality and Regulatory' Workshop Wednesday 14th December 9am-3pm, online Follow this link for details: https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/demystifying-quality-and-regulatory-tickets-444408215937 Note the two ticket options and select the appropriate one for your research group/start-up. If sold out, contact Ella Dixon on ella.dixon@auckland.ac.nz to be placed on the waitlist.
Highlight of interest
Ara Manawa: The One Week Shadow https://www.cmdt.org.nz/post/ara-manawa-the-one-week-shadow TTM recently collaborated with Ara Manawa and i3 to deliver the Clinical Experience Programme. We connected bioengineering students with clinicians to shadow for a week to find the pain points in their day-to-day work and start coming up with solutions.
If you have queries or feedback to share, please contact the Te Tītoki Mataora (TTM) team medtechresearchnetwork@auckland.ac.nz