Thank you for being part of this community in 2022, we couldn’t have made it a success without you.
Some updates from the past year and upcoming plans for 2023 are below.
Save the date for Healthtech Week & TTM Conference 26 – 29 June 2023!
Research Acceleration Programme (RAP)
Stage I: Excluding the current round, we had 15 submissions, 7 of which were funded.
Stage II: We had 27 submissions, 13 of which were funded.
Stage III: We invited 4 projects to apply and they were all funded.
Projects funded include 5 Māori-led, 10 ECR-led, and 5 clinician-led.
Funded projects had PIs from UoA, UC, UoO, VUW, and DHBs.
Our funding calendar for next year is now on our website https://www.cmdt.org.nz/research-acceleration-programme
HealthTech Capability Programme (HTCP)
We had over 1500 participants across HTCP initiatives from institutions across the country.
We have planned many initiatives to keep this programme going next year, including:
Mātauranga Māori: Whaia te Tika series, school engagement, research support hours
Pacific Engagement: Fofoga Workshops series
Future Leaders: RAP workshop, Whaia te Tika for ECRs, Health Economics for beginners
Clinical Translation: Clinical Experience Programme
Commercial Translation: Quality & Regulatory workshops, Bridging Science & Business Programme, Health Economics workshops, Software as a Medical Device workshops
Plus a monthly speaker series, HealthTech Week, and more!
Stay subscribed to this newsletter and keep an eye on our website to register for these initiatives!
Meri Kirihimete, have a safe holiday break and we will see you next year!