The HealthTech Activator have a number of events coming up next month, you can check them out here.
Our Whaia te Tika Southern Series is filling up fast - sign up now if you want to participate.
Our featured news article this week is targeted at early-career researchers and provides advice on applying for funding.
Ngā Takunetanga | Events
Kawepūrongo | News
How to make a 5-year funding game plan: “If you're an early career researcher, knowing which grants to apply for (and in what order) can be a challenge. If you're like me, I used to take a rapid-fire approach, applying for any and all funds that came across my desk. Obviously - this is not ideal - but it is a common approach that ECRs utilise. Given the benefit of hindsight, I can now strongly recommend taking time to consider your 5-year funding game plan - this helps not only streamline your efforts, but it prevents missed opportunities."
Research Acceleration Programme (RAP)
Alongside our usual request for medical and health technology proposals, we are seeking RAP Stages I, II and III proposals that address the three priority areas identified by our partners. These areas are purposely broad to capture the range of possible solution concepts.
Long-term conditions pathway (Te Whatu Ora Priority): Innovative solutions that address any stage along the pathway of long-term condition development that improve patients’ health or quality of life and/or minimise health system burden.
Virtual/Digital Hospital (Te Whatu Ora Priority): Any technology solutions that will help move and support healthcare into the community.
Whānau supporting Whānau (Whānau Ora Priority): Technology solutions that empower whānau to support each other in the prevention, diagnosis and management of COPD, Cardiovascular disease or Diabetes in their homes and communities.
Stage I Next deadline 12pm Monday 27th November 2023
Stage I RAP funding supports the formation of new collaborative relationships between researchers, clinicians, companies and/or partnerships with Māori and Pacific communities. This is an open call for proposals and submissions can be made at any time. Proposals are reviewed every two months and awarded within 2 weeks.
Stage II RfP closed
The 2024 calendar will be released toward the end of the year.