Today we release our second Request for Proposals (RfPs) for the Research Acceleration Programme (RAP) funding.
The RfPs are for the Stage I Collaboration & Ideation Fund and Stage II Concept Seeding Fund – see all details including guidelines, deadlines, and proposal templates on the FUNDING tab of our website here https://www.cmdt.org.nz/rap-funding
Our guidelines for Stages I & II and templates for Stage I have been updated since the last RfP, so please re-download these and read through them carefully.
The timetable for when submissions are requested is in the documents as well as on the website. The funding is open to all NZ universities and tertiary institutes, DHBs and healthcare providers, and research institutes including CRIs.
Please feel free to contact the team if you have any queries at medtechresearchnetwork@auckland.ac.nz