Apart from the HealthTech Activator (HTA), Callaghan Innovation has several products and services that are relevant to healthtech companies looking for support on their journey. In this month’s blog, the HTA team introduces Callaghan Innovation’s wider product portfolio and explores the Tech Incubator programme in greater detail.

The Callaghan Innovation product portfolio
The HealthTech Activator (HTA) is powered by Callaghan Innovation, and the HTA’s website, range of workshops, database search support, and in-depth engagements are available for Aotearoa’s healthtech companies to access for free or for a nominal fee.
But the HTA is not the only resource available to healthtech companies through Callaghan Innovation.
The rest of the Callaghan Innovation product portfolio includes a range of services that fit under Innovation Skills, Funding, Connection, and Commercialisation categories. The diagram below breaks down the different products, with further information on all of the individual products available on the Callaghan Innovation website.