RAP Stage I - October round closed at 12pm today. The deadline to be considered for funding next round is 27 November 2023.
A reminder that RAP Stage II proposals are due by 12pm next Monday to be eligible for the next funding round. This is the final round for 2023.
Applications for summer studentships (students and supervisors) also closes next Monday.
Ngā Takunetanga | Events
Te Tītoki Mataora Summer studentship applications for students and supervisors closes next Monday 2nd October. If you would like to supervise a funded summer student via our programme, please complete our supervisor application at this link. If you know any students interested in applying, please forward them this link.
Avasa, a medical device pioneer advancing surgical techniques for improved patient outcomes, announces the successful completion of its recent funding, raising an impressive $1.55 million in capital investment. CONTINUE READING
Humble Bee Bio is recruiting. As an intern holding a Ph.D.in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Protein Chemistry, or a related field, your primary role will entail designing and executing experiments, analyzing data, and interpreting results to advance our understanding of biological systems. CONTINUE READING
Research Acceleration Programme (RAP)
Te Tītoki Mataora is excited to partner with Te Whatu Ora and Whānau Tahi to launch the Medtech-iQ Aotearoa Healthtech Challenge. Alongside the August Te Tītoki Mataora Stage II RAP RfP, we are also seeking RAP Stages I, II and III proposals that address the three priority areas identified by our partners. These areas are purposely broad to capture the range of possible solution concepts. The normal guidelines to RAP proposals apply. The Challenge is open for the next three RAP Stage II RfP rounds between August 2023 – July 2024.
Long-term conditions pathway (Te Whatu Ora Priority): Innovative solutions that address any stage along the pathway of long-term condition development, from early prevention through to enhanced care – for example, from early prevention of diabetes through to chronic kidney disease and transplant – that improve patients’ health or quality of life and/or minimise health system burden.
Virtual/Digital Hospital (Te Whatu Ora Priority): Any technology solutions that will help move and support healthcare into the community.
Whānau supporting Whānau (Whānau Ora Priority): Technology solutions that empower whānau to support each other in the prevention, diagnosis and management of COPD, Cardiovascular disease or Diabetes in their homes and communities.
Stage I Next deadline 12pm Monday 27th November 2023
Stage I RAP funding supports the formation of new collaborative relationships between researchers, clinicians, companies and/or partnerships with Māori and Pacific communities. This is an open call for proposals and submissions can be made at any time. Proposals are reviewed every two months and awarded within 2 weeks.
Stage II Next deadline 12pm Monday 2nd October 2023
Stage II RAP funding identifies concepts with the potential to be viable for clinical application and commercialisation.
The Request for Proposals (RfP) including updated guidelines and templates is now available for the October RAP Stage II Round. Projects on medical and health technologies are welcome - see the Stage II Guidelines for further detail.
Note that all submissions must follow the processes of the PI’s institution. Internal deadlines for review will be earlier than our deadline for submission.