Thank you very much for another successful HealthTech Week. The 2023 Te Tītoki Mataora Forum was well attended by stakeholders across our community. We had around 120 people on each of the Te Tītoki Mataora days which was an opportunity for many new connections and sharing of knowledge.
Please drop us an email if you would like to link up with any of our Australian BioBridge attendees or speakers. We are looking for feedback so please do return the conference survey or drop us a line with ideas and suggestions for next year.
RAP Stage II submissions were due at 12pm today. The next RfP will be released 1st August 2023 with a submission deadline of 2nd October 2023.
Upcoming events
Research Accelerations Programme (RAP)
Stage I Next deadline 12pm Monday 31st July
Stage 1 RAP funding supports the formation of new collaborative relationships between researchers, clinicians, companies and/or partnerships with Māori and Pacific communities. This is an open call for proposals and submissions can be made at any time. Proposals are reviewed every two months and awarded within 2 weeks.
Stage II Next RfP released 1st August 2023.
Stage II RAP funding identifies concepts with the potential to be viable for clinical application and commercialisation.