MedTech Bites is our monthly newsletter covering the latest news and events from the medtech industry here and abroad. Want to be featured? Get in touch!

Green is 'Go' for Intravenous Access with Cannulight
Monitoring in the Wild
Symbion-iQ Foundation - Redefining the Future of Health Data Ownership
Our Changing World - MRI Research at the Mātai Medical Research Institute
New app offers freedom and security for dementia patients and their families
Smart footwear for diabetic foot ulcers
Space available at the Health Technology Centre Ōtautahi Christchurch
Dr Caz Hales - The latest episode of the Good Clinical x Te Tītoki Mataora podcast
A New Zealand First: Using VR to give pregnant women a better birthing experience
The Simpler the better when it comes to device development
Virtual Reality tackles youth vaping
Tautoko Technology - The latest episode of the Good Clinical x Te Tītoki Mataora podcast
Using feedback and AI to improve Māori primary health services
To make a portable MRI, you start small
National data platform goes live
HealthTech Insights Report 2024
The vision of Sir Peter Hunter
Improving health equity for people of larger size
Te Tītoki Mataora and Good Clinical Network launch podcast
What to expect from MedTech in 2024
JUNOFEM Launches in the United Kingdom
ABI Professor Inducted into the Inaugural Augmented World Expo XR Hall of Fame
Perseverance Pays Off for MedTech Start-up RespirAq
Using AI to Improve Breast Cancer Testing and Treatment
TIKI Tour at Middlemore Hospital - Te Tītoki Mataora and Te Whatu Ora Improve
The McKinsey Podcast: Are Women's Prime Working Years in Peril?
New Zealand Developed VR Exposure Therapy App Heading for the UK's National Health Service
Transferring Gaming Technology and Skills into Health Management
Chat GCP Podcast: Bridging the Gap Between the Benchtop and the Patient
2023 MedTech Highlights
Changing the Lives of Patients with Swallowing Impairment
The Bra Project
Finding Your Niche in the Start-up Space
Bringing Engineers and Clinicians Together in the Medical Environment
Chat GCP Podcast - The Brain Drain
A New Healthtech Environment in Christchurch
European Funding For New Zealand Virtual Twins
Breathing Better With Goodair Nosebuds
Identifying Safe Return-To-Play After Head Injuries For Sportspeople

Medtech-iQ Aotearoa update
Nautech on specialisation & the key to technology success
The Insides Company achieves B Corp Certification

Bespoke nursing rosters in minutes
Alimetry by Ivar
MEDTECH "EMINENTLY EXPORTABLE" credit: Rina Diane Caballar (Engineering NZ)

A new way to track brain disease and injury
Protecting vital arms and legs
A look at medtech across the Tasman
Single-use medical devices getting another lease on life with Medsalv
Accessibility at the speed of thought
Infusing creative thinking into the MedTech CoRE Conference
Bridging science and business
Bringing Emerging Technology into the Health System
Hamed Minaei, Data Scientist
Moving Beyond the Tick-box Approach to involving Māori in Research
Changing the way healthcare students learn
Imaging key to precision cancer treatment
Hours of lifting turn into minutes with this New Zealand-designed lifting device
Opportunistic screening to head off obesity
Looking at digitisation and telehealth from different perspectives
NZHIT: Focussing on IT as a tool to bridge the digital divide
Precision-driven equitable, personalised healthcare within our reach
Noted delivers new tools for online client management